Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Human Beings Are Fragile

Aftershocks are causing death toll to rise to 67 after a week of earthquake in Papua New Guinea which rattled the pacific nation to the deathly experience, landslides are making some living victims unreachable at the highlands, 500 injured - The government has declared state of emergency meanwhile it must discern tremor does not happen due to an area located at the Pacific, the aquatic area is not an excuse as there was a magnitude of earthquake in Iran recently,
according to Jordan Peele of Hollywood who won the Oscars 2018 recently '...we deal with the existential crisis of the knowledge, that the pattern of life we're so used to, will one day be broken...' we infer from this according to The Last Protocol that we have three factors responsible for earthquake, one is The Apocalyptic factor, second is The Behavioural factor and the third happens to be The Utility factor; learning from the three, the inhabitants of Papua New Guinea should think deeply on the behavioural factor ere the Hollywood-produced movie.

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